BMW Z3 1.8i

Why should you buy a Z3?
It is a classic open top 2 seater sports car, succeeding the iconic Z1 but for a wider public. The Z3 features in the James Bond movie Goldeneye which gave the sales an enormous boost. Some design elements are based on another iconic BMW, the 507 roadster. Of course, this roadster shares the same BMW driving quality and pleasure.
Why should you buy this Z3?
We love a good story and this is definitely one of those stories. Bought in 1999 by his first and only owner. The original invoice is present and lists all options. Funny detail is that the owner did not hesitate for a second to invest the inheritance he received after his mother passed away. The amount received matched the price of the BMW he had configurated. The owner must have taught “say no more” and he handed over his inheritance to the BMW dealer.
You will never guess the name of the first owner. Just think on who wrote the Bond novels and you are not too far off. It took the owner over a year to make the decision to sell the car. He parted from his car with pain in his heart and tears in his eye. In the same period the first owner only drove some 200 kilometres with his darling, reason took over and he decided to sell. Not without mailing us from time to time in doubt… to buy it back.
The single owner took good care of his Z3, full-service history is available. In 25 years, it crossed just 46.000 kilometres so it is as good as new.
You will not only buy an almost brand-new Z3 from 1999, you will also take ownership of a lovely history and a true classic car story.
Do you fancy a testdrive? Come and talk to us, this might be the beginning of your ClassicCarStory