It has been 1 year since we could participate in a Regularity rally. We, that is me and my brother Philippe who has been my copilot in competitive rallies for years now. Although the pilot is in charge of keeping things safe on the road, the most challenging part is for the copilot.

Be prepared, which of course we were not. A new car, 1973 BMW 3.0 CSi instead of the old faithfull Porsche 912, mainly a change from a 1600cc / 90HP to a 3000cc / 200HP car.

The tripmaster had to be mounted in the BMW that was in the workshop anyhow because of broken down fuel pump. To figure out how to change the mechanical signal to the GPS signal on the tripmaster took us until just before the start of the rally. Other tools were still at home so we returned to the duct tape once more.

The first stages on Friday evening are driven in the night. Ever wondered why rally cars have so many extra headlights mounted ? Well, if you ever participate in a rally at night you will find out. Pitch dark, little roads and nothing much to focus on.

Still, without a whole battery of extra headlights we ended up 25th out of about 80 participants in the classic group after the first stages at nighttimee .

In the daylight you would imagine things would work out even better for team Thomas – Thomas. Well, we had a great day, lovely roads and beautifull weather. What do you want more ? Gaining some places in the ranking perhaps. Sadly, we dropped back to the 58th place overalle .

We finished the 2021 edition, a lovely edition once more. Next year we will prepare and perform much better, so we imagine…